Speaker Topics
Important, up-to-date legal information about various elder law and disability topics from an attorney certified in elder law. We offer CNE credit for registered nurses and CEU credit for licensed social workers.
Estate Planning and Why it Pays a Person to Plan in Advance
Development of wills, trusts, powers of attorney and advance directives.
Medicaid Estate Recovery in Texas and Saving the Family Homestead
A presentation about how the new law originated and evolved into its final interpretation. It provides information about who is affected, what type of assets is subject to recovery, and strategies for protecting assets.
Special Needs Trusts: Protecting Public Benefits for Persons with Disabilities
Learn about how a person who is disabled or the parent of a child who is disabled may prevent the loss of public benefits like SSI, Medicare and Medicaid when the person who is disabled receives a large sum of money, such as an inheritance or a personal injury award.
Medicaid Planning: Preserving Life Savings When Long-Term Care Becomes Necessary
Gain vital information about how assets and income can be preserved in the event that nursing home care becomes necessary. It includes a discussion of the Miller trust and the Medicaid Estate Recovery Program.
Guardianships and How They May Be Avoided
An overview of guardianship law in Texas is provided, as well as an explanation of how a guardianship may be avoided by preparing in advance for possible incapacity through the use of advance directives.
Ethical Issues to Consider When Giving Advice Regarding Medicaid, Advance Directives and Misrepresentations Made By Nursing Facilities
A discussion of basic Medicaid rules, concepts of Medicaid planning and related ethical considerations, clarifies federal laws regulating healthcare providers when giving advice about advance directives, and gives examples of ethical issues concerning nursing home care.
Sole-Benefit Trusts
The focus of this seminar is on sole-benefit trusts as provided for in OBRA 1993. Discussions include the uses and advantages of such trusts, the various types of sole-benefit trusts, federal requirements for such trusts, sample case situations, and the relationship of sole-benefit trusts to Medicaid estate recovery. Also included are discussions as to whether and under what conditions a sole-benefit trust for the community spouse may still be considered to be a countable asset to the couple.
Ten Case Scenarios in Which Medicaid Planning Would be Beneficial
Ten case scenarios in which Medicaid planning would substantially help the client and family when faced with long term care issues are provided in this discussion.
How an Elder Law Attorney Can Help a Person Who is in Hospice
Learn about the positive legal actions a family can take when their loved one is in hospice care. Estate planning concepts for older persons as well as potential funding sources for children in hospice care will also be reviewed.
The Miller Trust
Explore what the Miller Trust does, where it came from, how it works in relationship to a Medicaid nursing home application for benefits and who needs one. This seminar will clear up misconceptions about this income trust, also known as a QIT (Qualified Income Trust).
Medicaid Spousal Impoverishment Cases
Trace the history of spousal impoverishment cases in Texas and learn about the continued use of these arrangements for some couples where one of the spouses needs to enter the nursing home and apply for Medicaid benefits while the spouse lives at home and seeks to keep from becoming impoverished.
But Can’t I Give Away $14,000 Per Year and Still Get on Medicaid?
Discover how a person who believes this is the guiding rule when considering transferring assets and then becoming Medicaid eligible is mistaken when analyzing the potential effects on Medicaid eligibility.
Levels of Care
An overview of where elderly individuals can receive care including but not limited to the home, assisted living, and nursing home care, plus a look at available payment options.
Elder Law Overview of Medicaid
A discussion and overview of Medicaid administration in Texas, ethical issues, and eligibility requirements.
Avoiding Exploitation
Learn how to identify and protect the elderly from financial exploitation.