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Texas veterans waiting a year or more for benefits

On Behalf of | Sep 13, 2012 | Veterans' Benefits

Veterans in Texas are waiting a year or more on average to have benefits claims reviewed, according to a local news report. The long wait times are apparently a result of the fact that Texas has only two VA centers that process claims, and those centers have a fairly limited capacity.

Officials from the Veterans Administration are planning to ask the legislature for additional funding to increase staff sizes and hopefully speed up the process, but there seems to be no immediate remedy to the situation. The surge of claims coming from the large number of troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan has more than doubled the volume of pending cases over the past two years.

One veteran of the war in Vietnam told reporters that after waiting a full year to have his claim reviewed, he worries about veterans with more urgent needs. “I really feel bad for the young people today because they have to wait so long when they need help that they can’t get,” he said.

Veteran’s benefits are available for many different needs, from daily expenses that result from being out of work to medical care and mental health services. It’s important to consider all of the options, including Social Security and Medicaid benefits, when applying for Veteran’s benefits. Some programs preclude others, so it’s best to fully evaluate the options before choosing one.

Our Texas law firm handles Veterans benefits and other types of government benefits as a part of our long term financial planning services. More information can be found on our Houston benefits planning page.

Source: KFDA News, “Texas veterans are waiting longer for benefits claims,” Eric Ross, Sept. 13, 2012.