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Veteran’s advocates seek easier access to education benefits

On Behalf of | Dec 5, 2012 | Veterans' Benefits

Advocates for veterans have put forth two new pieces of legislation that would make it easier for veterans in Texas and their families to take advantage of educational benefits. These education benefits are an essential part of the larger benefits package offered to veterans in Texas, and lawmakers and activists agree that the state can do more to support veterans seeking higher education.

One bill coming before the state legislature will establish resource centers specifically for veterans who are interested in pursuing higher education. There will be one center in each of 10 geographic regions in Texas that are designated to serve colleges and universities in those areas. A main function of the resource centers will be to raise awareness about what types of education benefits are available and how veterans can take advantage of them.

This highlights an important issue surrounding government benefits in general, which is that many people don’t know what they qualify for and how to start getting those benefits. For veterans who are working to build a new career or advance in their current job, being informed and knowing how to receive educational benefits can go a long way towards making college or graduate school affordable.

Two other proposals have also been put forth, one which requires Texas colleges and universities to customize the registration process for students who are veterans. Another eliminates the age limit for family members who want to receive educational benefits that were due to a deceased veteran.

Advocates are optimistic about the passage of all of these measures, since veteran’s issues typically enjoy the benefit of bipartisan support.

Source: The Daily Texan, “Two proposed bills focus on increasing benefits for student veterans,” David Maly, Dec. 4, 2012.

More information about the benefits available for Texas veterans can be found on our website.