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Texas veterans’ benefits remain best in the nation

On Behalf of | Sep 6, 2013 | Veterans' Benefits

If there is any good news to come out of the Fort Hood shooting in 2009, it is that the victims’ families will be extended veterans’ benefits, as if their loved ones were killed in combat. The Texas Land Commissioner has ordered Veterans Land Board attorneys to work out the details. The Commissioner feels that the victims were casualties of war and that the rules should be changed to honor the sacrifices of the victims and their families.

The Commissioner stated that those who died in the terrorist attack in Fort Hood lost their lives while on duty in Texas or in support of the military in Texas. While they weren’t deployed specifically to a war, the Commissioner feels they remained in defense of the citizens of the state and the country until their untimely death.

One of the major benefits offered to veterans in Texas is below-market interest rate loans to purchase land and housing. To qualify for these benefits, veterans have to live in Texas, serve 90 days of active duty and be honorably discharged. Other benefits offered include long-term care and free burials for veterans. Taxpayers will be pleased to know that all veterans’ programs in the state are self-funding.

Though Texas has excellent veterans’ benefits, there may be veterans and families that are not receiving the benefits they are entitled to. Consultation with an attorney may be a viable option for those who believe they are entitled to benefits. Attorneys may help ensure eligibility for benefits and assist with forms and procedures that are necessary to receive those benefits.

Source: Irving Rambler, “Fort Hood victims’ families to receive Texas veterans benefits”, September 03, 2013