Elder Law Attorneys Helping You Plan For The Future

Life care planning with your family helps them learn your wishes

On Behalf of | Feb 14, 2014 | Care Planning

Thinking about what you want to happen when you die isn’t something that is easy to do, but it can help your loved ones to know what you want in your last days. A Pew Research study says that one in three Americans say they have thought about their end-of-life wishes a great deal. For people in Texas, the recent case of the pregnant woman who was kept on life support despite her wishes brings to light the importance of letting your loved ones know your wishes and putting them into writing.

Some life care planning issues are hard to think about. One of the issues you have to think about is what types of medical treatment you want done. According to the study, 37 percent of Americans have greatly considered this issue. Approximately 35 percent of Americans say they have given it some thought. Approximately 35 percent of Americans have actually put those thoughts down on paper.

Once you have thought about what your wishes are and have written them out, you have to let your family members know what you want. Finding out that you have a do-not-resuscitate order on file can be shocking to your family if you haven’t discussed your wishes with them. You should also discuss your funeral arrangement wishes with your family. For example, let them know if you want to be buried or cremated so that your wishes are followed.

Life care planning isn’t something that has to be difficult. If you need help making these plans, seeking the advice of a Texas elder law attorney might help you learn about what you should include in your end-of-life documents.

Source: Pocono Record, “Making end-of-life decisions now will help loved ones in future” Patricia Montemurri, Feb. 04, 2014