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Veterans’ benefits, red tape and knowledgeable assistance

On Behalf of | Sep 5, 2014 | Veterans' Benefits

Men and women in the military are expected to do whatever is necessary to protect the citizens of the country. When those service members leave the military, it would stand to reason that the country they protected would take care of them. That isn’t always how things end up. Some veterans have to fight tooth and nail to get the benefits and services they need to help them with basic necessities like shelter and medical care. For those veterans, having someone to help them chop down the red tape is necessary.

We are experienced in helping veterans get the benefits they deserve. Veterans who are confined to bed or have difficulty with basic life skills face especially difficult paths to getting benefits because of those limitations. That is where having our experience can come in handy. We are familiar with the eligibility requirements for these Veteran Administration benefits. We take the guesswork out of applying for benefits or appealing denials.

For surviving spouses of Texas veterans who have passed away, VA benefits might also be possible. Knowing how to apply for these benefits is the first step in being able to get them.

For any veteran or eligible spouse, having to navigate through the seemingly endless stream of red tape can prove to be a challenge. Instead of spending all your time trying to figure out how to handle the current situation, lean on someone who can do the difficult work for you. Let us put our experience to good use to get you the benefits you are entitled to receive. To learn more, please take a look at our veterans’ benefits overview webpage.

Source: Wright Abshire Attorneys, A Professional Corporation, “Houston VA Benefits Attorneys” Sep. 04, 2014