Elder Law Attorneys Helping You Plan For The Future

Estate planning includes making medical decisions now

On Behalf of | Jan 29, 2015 | Estate Planning

Estate planning is a very in depth process that involves doing some deep thinking about your final days and what you want to happen when you are gone. While most people think of wills as the all-important document in an estate plan, there are other documents to consider. We want to make sure that our Texas readers understand the importance of the power of attorney designations.

The durable power of attorney is a document that makes your wishes known regarding medical care. This document comes into play if you aren’t able to make decisions for yourself. In this document, you can name procedures and treatments that you want. You can also include those that you want to refuse.

A durable power of attorney, which is also known as an advance directive, can help your loved ones and medical care providers learn about what you want so they can make care plans based on your wishes. While these decisions might be difficult to make, thinking about the possibilities now might save your family members from having to play a guessing game later.

It is important for you to understand the implications of all decisions you make regarding your estate plan. We will stand beside you as you make the decisions regarding your final days and the days that follow. From creating a will or developing a trust to outlining your wishes for medical care, we can help you to ensure you convey your wishes in a manner that is legal. We can help you to ensure that those wishes are conveyed accurately.